A popular theatrical company nationwide perform the glittering stage on a monthly basis

Theatrical group Mihou
Makubakan with the history from the Meiji period departed as a playhouse of the public play in 1977 (Showa 52). Since then, as a sacred place for public play, the theatrical company that has both the ability and popularity of the whole country is in charge of the
brilliant stage day after day. Performances are on a monthly basis, so you have to wait until the following year if you miss the company you are interested in, therefore, many enthusiastic fans come to visit the theater from afar. Glossy and beautiful works and
dance are breathtakingly beautiful when you see it.
<Performance schedule>
※ Daily performance Day time|12:00pm ~3:30pm Night time |5 :0 0 pm ~ 8 : 3 0 pm Closing day / Last day of every month
※ Only December is not scheduled
Adult 1,600yen, Child 900yen
2-7-5 Asakusa, Taito city